How to do a DIY Cryo Facial

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How to do a DIY Cryo Facial

This summer has been an especially hot one and one of my favorite DIY facial hacks to bring my skin back into its happy place after working or playing outside is to apply something cool - or better yet, cold. I mist the Bulgarian Rose Hydrosol all over my thirsty, hot skin, followed by an application of chilled Cucumber Aloe Rescue Gel. I keep both of these in the fridge all summer.

But what I really love is cryotherapy. I miss having the cryo-wand available that we used to have in our aos spa. I could pop right upstairs and use it anytime and I could buy one online for home use, but as a minimalist, I refuse to buy more gadgets than I absolutely need. "Analog" living make me happy. So I make little "cryo-pops" to give skin an extra special treat.

Benefits of Cryothrapy

Beyond cooling the skin, cryotherapy stimulates circulation, while at the same time, tightening up the skin by constricting blood vessels. And it goes deeper than just the dermis. Our blood vessels constrict in response to the cold application and once we remove it, they expand to bring warmth back to the skin. All this blood flow through the soft tissues does more than just cooling and heating- it removes metabolic wastes and toxins while bringing fresh nutrients in. This is really good for stimulating collagen formation as well, keeping our skin and the underlying tissues healthy, supple and glowing.

aos skincare photo of rose petal tea in ice cube cryo molds

DIY Cryo Skin Pops

These are super easy to make and they have a multitude of benefits, depending on the ingredients you use. The internet is full of recipes, but I prefer to make them with our Bulgarian Rose Hydrosol because it's so easy. If you don't have that on hand, you can make a tea with rose petals, fresh cucumber juice, aloe vera or other herbs.


aos Skincare photo of rose tea in ice cube cryo molds


These skin pops are a delightful way to refresh and rejuvenate your skin, especially during hot weather or after a long day.

Ingredients: Bulgarian Rose Hydrosol. If you don’t have that on hand, make an herbal tea with rose petals, juice a cucumber or scoop out some fresh aloe from the leaves of the plant.


Ice cube tray or silicone molds. I like to use round silicone molds made for cocktail ice or little chocolate molds that you can buy at the craft store.

Popsicle Sticks - these are optional and nice if you don't like the cold on your hands.

aos Skincare photo of aloe vera in ice cube cryo molds


Pour just a little of your Bulgarian Rose Hydrosol into the molds. If you’ve made a herbal tea, strain it first. A little bit goes a long way, so make them just large enough to easily hold. The grat thing is, if you don’t use the entire cube (which you probably won't), you can pop it back in and re-freeze it for another day.

Place the tray or mold in the freezer and let it freeze completely, which should take about 4-6 hours or overnight.

Once frozen, pop out a cryo skin pop and gently rub it over your face, neck, or any part of your body that needs a refreshing boost. The combination of cold temperature and beneficial ingredients will help to soothe, hydrate, and revitalize your skin. Keep a hand towel nearby to catch any drips. Take your time and breathe deeply. Relax as you make little circles with the cryo-pop. Keep it moving to avoid getting any one spot too cold.

When you feel perfectly cooled, gently pat your skin dry. Massage in a soothing serum like the Calming Facial Oil or Blue Sapphire Concentrated Brightening Oil. Follow that with your favorite moisturizer.

Skin Benefits of Bulgarian Rose Hydrosol:

Hydration: Rose hydrosol is excellent for hydrating the skin, leaving it feeling soft and supple.

Anti-inflammatory: Rose has cooling and soothing properties that can help reduce redness and irritation.

Antioxidant-rich: Packed with antioxidants, it helps to protect the skin from environmental damage and premature aging.

Balancing: Suitable for all skin types, rose hydrosol can help balance the skin’s natural oils, making it perfect for both dry and oily skin.

Brightening: Rose hydrosol is naturally rich in vitamin C, which both lightens dark spots and increases collagen production.

These cryo skin pops are a luxurious addition to your skincare routine, providing a spa-like experience at home. Enjoy the cooling sensation and the myriad of benefits that come with using them as often as you like.

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