Help! I'm using a new product and my skin is breaking out!

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The long-standing concept of "skin purging" is frequently promoted as an inevitable phase when incorporating new items into your regimen. It's a theory that says before your skin gets clearer, it temporarily gets worse—more breakouts, redness, or inflammation. Is this popular skincare concept a myth?


Skin purging is commonly defined as a process that occurs when you start using a new skincare brand or product and your skin temporarily begins to suffer breakouts, redness and irritation. This theory's proponents contend that by speeding up cell turnover, certain active ingredients allow trapped congestion to surface as your skin begins to “purge” itself. Consequently, they claim this is a sign that the product is working to cleanse your skin deeply. 


The idea of skin purging may sound reasonable, but there isn't much scientific data to back it up. There's no physiological basis for the notion that cleaning out debris is a prerequisite for better skin. Purging is caused by higher cell turnover that bring congestion to the surface. Rather than a natural "purging" process, skin reactions to new products may be the result of irritation or sensitivity.


A skin reaction of some kind is normal when introducing new skincare products. This could be anything from minor flakiness and redness to more frequent outbreaks. Usually, the explanation for these responses is that your skin is reacting to new components or formulations. Inflammation and breakouts can result from ingredients that are harsh or irritating to the skin. This is not a purging or detoxification of your skin. You should cease using a product right away if your skin responds to it in this way.


Begin With 1-2 Products

Introduce one or two products to your daily routine at a time. I can't overstate the importance of going slowly. If you begin using several new products all at once, your skin is likely to react negatively. At the same time, you won't know which product(s) your skin is reacting to.

Read the Ingredients

Seriously- read them all the way through. We disclose all of our ingredients both on the product page and on the product box. If you have a known sensitivity or allergy, it's especially important to read the ingredients list and avoid using products with that particular ingredient.

Follow The Directions

I know this sounds obvious, but I can tell you that many of my customers admit to misusing a product after they reach out about a skin reaction. Scrubs and chemical exfoliants are especially important to use as directed. If the box says "1-2 times a week", believe me- more is not better. The same goes even for an eye gel or cream. Overusing products is almost always the reason I see skin reactions happen.

Take Your Time

With any new product or routine, your skin will need time to adjust - how much oil it's producing, the pH, microbiome, etc. will need to rebalance and that takes time. So give your skin a couple weeks with each new product or two before you change anything else.

Be A Scientist

Science is the process of paying attention to details. Watch your skin with each product. If it's a little reactive right at first, maybe continue using it for several more days. Does the reaction get worse or disappear? How does your skin look in general? Upset or healthier and more radiant?

Maybe The Product Just Isn't Right For Your Skin

And that's okay! We formulate a lot of different products and not just because creating new recipes is fun. Everyone has such unique skin that we are always looking for the perfect blend of botanicals to meet your skin's special needs.

Unsure About Which Products Are Right For You? Take our Skin Type Quiz. And get personalized product recommendations for your gorgeous skin.

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